VPSA oxygen generators

What does VPSA mean ?

Vacuum :        Vacuum for the regeneration of the molecular sleeve

Pressure :       Air pressure to feed the molecular sleeve

Switch :          Alternate saturation and regeneration of molecular sleeve.

Adsorption :   Chemical process to hold fluids on the surface of solid components.


The VPSA Pro2Xy VAC 5 and 12 bar oxygen generators deliver oxygen on demand with up to 95% purity. VPSA technology is applied by MIL’S to concentrate the oxygen present in ambiant air. This allows the production of dry oxygen from 80% to 95% continuous concentration, the remainder of the product obtained being composed mainly of argon and nitrogen.
These generators fit to the ISO 7396-1 standard, EN 62304, the European pharmacopoeia OXYGEN 93 and the NF S95-175.

Consult the PRO2XY VAC data sheet