Air in the field of Health

Medicinal air and technical air

Manufacturing medical air has been part of our know-how since 1970.
We design our air plants using a compressor, a treatment chain and accessories related to medical air. Eco-designed and marketed in compact or modular versions, our air units for medical use exist in several variations.
They can be installed in a technical room or outside in a cabin or container.

Air plants

We find our medical air units under the HOSPITAIR range with dry or lubricated technologies.
THE HYPERBARIC HOSPITAIR, a specific central unit for hyperbarism, completes our on-site production offer.
The AIRMIL’S range makes it possible to supply technical air installations for the additional needs of the hospital.
We remind you that the ISO 7396-1 standard requires the separation of medical air and technical air networks. This latter standard recommends the use of oil-free compressors. The company is also ISO 13485, 9001, 14001 certified.


Filtrations, air treatment chains as well as expansion lines are essential elements in the composition of a medical air plant in order to comply with the requirements of the European pharmacopoeia.
Control and regulation can be managed by our various programmable controllers including the PROCOM with touch screen which can provide remote monitoring of the installation with our VIGIFLUID module.
We also have additional accessories to perfect your installation.

Reminder of pharmacopoeia requirements for air

  • H20 : 67 ppm
  • CO : 5 ppm
  • CO2 : 500 ppm
  • SO2 : 1 ppm
  • NO – NO2 : 2 ppm
  • Oil : 0,1 mg/m3
  • Oxygen : 20,4% ≤ O2 ≤ 21,4%

An analysis of air quality is possible at MIL’S by an independent organization before shipping the equipment.
Note: it is strictly prohibited to use a refrigeration dryer to produce medical air.

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